Wednesday, June 20, 2012


a “tuit” on how to get those long borders made.
This is the final quilt for my block of the month and I started thinking maybe it was time I explained how I get those long borders cut to size.  This little gem measures 63” and no board I own will hold that length of fabric.
I came up with this method years ago and it has never failed me.
1.  Sew your strips together as usual.IMG_2984
2.  Press the right angle seam allowance open.  (This will give you less bulk at the join.)IMG_2986
3.  Divide the length of the side of the quilt in half.  My quilt is 63”, therefore my cut will be 31.5”.
IMG_2985 (THIS is my favourite tool in my sewing room.)
4.  Lay one open end of the strip at 32”.IMG_2987
5.  Take the length to the 0” marking on your board and fold the strip back to the 32” marking.IMG_2989
6.  Give the fold a quick press with your iron, without steam please.
7.  Lay the fabric strip down on the board again with the crease at the 0” marking and the length following one of the lines on the board.  Make sure you have the open end at the 32” marking (in this case) and that the strip is laying flat with no humps and no bumps.  IMG_2992
8.  Trim away the excess, pin the border in place and then sew it on.IMG_2993
If I have to make a border longer, I will clear off my big table of all the stuff that is on it,IMG_2994 lay two boards together and then do this same method.  However, doing it this way I have to use my long tape to make sure I get the right spot on the board.
When you lay your mats against each other there is one inch between the 36” mark and the 0” on the board beside it.  You have to allow for this.
I have a few boards at my house.  I buy them when I have a 50% off coupon to Michaels.  Boards are not inexpensive (I was going to say cheap) and if I can save half I’m a happy girl.
I know there are very large boards out on the market but I don’t (and many others are the same), have the room in my house to store these boards.  I want my tables accessible for my machines and all the other paraphernalia I have for my obsession.  Boards have to be stored lying flat and out of the sunshine and never, ever in the heat.  Don’t put you cup of coffee/tea on the board when its hot…………well don’t put it there when its cold either cause that’s just looking for a disaster to happen. No that didn’t happen to me…..not yet.
The last thing on this subject ~~ well for now anyway ~~ is I let the table take the weight of the quilt while I pin my border on.  I used to lay it on my lap, but as I get older and maybe wiser, I found the table is much better and I’m standing doing it, not bending over.  IMG_2995

Here it is………..Kristina is going to claim this one……I know it, I just know it.  IMG_2996

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