Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Have you

ever been to North Dakota. 

Sorry to say we haven't been through the state since 1998.  That was the year we travelled through all the northern States to get to Alberta for the Calgary Stampede.  We spent a few days in North Dakota and revisted Rugby, the geographical centre of North America.  Another one of my "been there, done that" places.  We have also seen Theodore Roosevelt National Park, Turtle River State Park, Medora and all points in between.  Someday I should tell you all about it.  But, not today.
I guess you are wondering why I asked about N. Dakota.  Well I 'know' this girl that lives there.  I 'met' her on my quilting forum many years ago and she is my Quilter of the Month.  Her name is Gloria and she is one of the most prolific quilters I know.  She is one of the quickest too.  As I am downloading the pattern she is finishing it off.  You'll remember Gloria's work from our birdie quilt we did last year.    By the way the quilt is finished.  I'm still working on mine.

Look at this purse.  Isn't that the perfect flap on a bag? It was done with Texture Magic and Gloria enjoyed playing with it.
I think I'll have to play with that someday just for the heck of it.

These were made for a swap on a quilting forum that Gloria belongs to.

These are just some of the pillowcases Gloria has made for the 1 million pillowcase challenge.  Lucky lucky folks who received these.

This was suppose to be for the quilt store that Gloria shops in.  Unfortunately for them, she liked it so much she couldn't part with it.  Its one of my favourites.

Do you have any idea what this is made from? 

Selvedge edges from fabric.  Isn't it fantastic?  To quote "I absolutely loved doing this one and have another in progress. No sense throwing out those selvage ends and I received little bags from gals on quilting sites...."
This was made from a kit from Connecting Threads, one of Gloria's favourite online quilt shops.  I think you've seen them mentioned a time or two on this blog.  (Watch for a new flannel line coming soon, but don't buy it all up on us.  I want some of it too.)

"The embroidery block is from a Raggedy Ann quilt that I did for my granddaughter with the same name. It was a block of the month from an on line site. It was really fun to do that one... Embroidery is an enjoyable way of making blocks. I also enjoy paper piecing , foundation piecing and applique."
Remember my L'il Twister from last year.  Gloria made this one (which I love) and taught it in a workshop.  I have every intention to make this one.  Wish I lived in N. Dakota and taken the class.

We always save the best for last.  This is it.  I love this piece.
Those of us that live in the north country get to see this every fall and we never tire of it.

"The fall quilt was made for my folks to remind them of our lake place in ND when they headed south for the winter.  It was a kit from Keepsake Quilting."

Thank you Gloria for being my quilter of the month.  I thoroughly enjoyed going through your webshots albums and seeing all the beautiful work you do.

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