I have a cross-stitch I did in 1988 that sort of represents our home, but no quilted items. This would be the one. Our house is grey brick so I thought I would go with the grey and then the red roof. It wasn't working, so I followed Angie's pretty much to the "t".
I wanted the house to look like stone so I did small joining circles. Its the best I can do to describe it............
I took the flower pattern from around the fence and enlarged it on the computer and then used that for the border. I used Word to do it. I measured my border and in text box I made a box slightly larger and then kept making the flower bigger until I was satisfied with the size.
I free motion quilted e-v-e-r-y-thing. I hadn't been doing it for quite awhile so it was fun. I really enjoy doing it -- on small pieces.
This will hang in the bathroom for the month of May. I have June's ready to machine and hope to start it today while it pours down rain. They say April showers bring May flowers but if this keeps up we will be replanting all our pansies because they will be washed away.
I have to get ahead on things. Holiday season is fast approaching and I don't take the sewing machine along with me. I'll take some handwork ~~ embroidery, perhaps some yo-yo's, and English paper piecing. Anything that is transportable.