Yesterday as a present to myself I went shopping! I went shopping at my favourite quilt shop in the "Glen". This is what I bought.............................................
These are for my Clematis wallhanging. I got the pattern awhile ago in the mail. This will be my BOM for August. I think that's when the clematis bloom. The pattern is from Black Eyed Susan Designs here in Canada.
This is for my new bag. I bought a kit up at Mary Maxim's but when I got it home, the fabric wasn't me. It was three batiks all very similar in colur. When I had denim left over from Morgan's jacket, I decided to use it and then something bright for the rest of it. I think between Kelly and I we accomplished that!
This is for Morgan. Gail told us about this line of fabric when she spoke at our Guild last Thursday night. Morgan just knew she had to have it. I'm thinking we will make a bag so she can pack up her towels and shampoo when she heads off to the showers.
I also bought fusible batting.....not only for the purse but to have some in stock for runners (which is on the go). I hope to have that finished by the end of the week. The last thing I bought was a green for the binding for the runner that is in progress.
Before we headed out I went to the bank and then to Tim Horton's. I bought Timbits for the Doctor and his staff and some doughnuts for the girls at the store. We also had lunch out. It was a very good day.