First of all I stopped at our favourite nursery, Cudmore's down in Bronte which is right next door to Oakville, actually a part of Oakville, but those of us who have lived here for donkey's years, will always call it Bronte. I had a talk with Marissa and then moved on.
I dropped our granddaughter's parcel off. It was Morgan's gift to her Mom. We had our picture taken at the aviary last week and she thought it would make a nice present. Grandpa had framed it for her.
Then it was over to see Nick at Sewing Machines etc. I have lost my tweezers for my serger. It is so doggone hard to thread without them. I'll take better care of these. I put them in my "tool" box.
Then I was back home and went and got the camera. Aren't these lovely? This is our first sign of spring.......I don't have a lot, but what I have I thoroughly enjoy.
These will be in bloom soon. They are planted close to the house where it is warm in the afternoon
After all this beauty we woke to this the next morning.....................................
I'm not complaining. It hit us hard for a day, but its already melting away. It doesn't stay long at this time of the year. Just enough to hear the motorists complaining and those on the tv. Kids sure didn't. They got the day off school.
A few nights before all this we had the opportunity to see the super moon. Boy they weren't kidding ~~ it was big, it was bright and it was a fabulous sight to see.
Nature is marvellous isn't she?