Here they are:...............................
and Irene's
Now over on the side you will see a new link. (Scroll back up a bit..........there it is.......see it?) It is for the Oakville Quilters' Guild Quilt Show in 2012. This will take you to the blog that tells you all about our show.
A committee has been formed and I'm very happy to say that most of the people on the committee volunteered to take a position. These ladies are dedicated!!!! It takes a ton of work to put on a show and they will work not only for the year, but the three days the show is on. I've done it before with Irene. We were kitchen co-ordinators in 2008. (Irene's waiting for me to tell you our story of guilt, but I'm not going to. I'll wait and tell that when she is least expecting it.) This year, I offered to be co-chair cause I have learned how to delegate. Not to take the job lightly as then the two of us have the total responsibility of the show. We'll see if I make it to May 5, 2012.
Mark the dates on your calendars. We hope to see you there