How do you know if the pattern has been reversed? How do you lay it out? How do you stitch it down?
Here goes.
IF the tracing pattern looks exactly the same as the pattern in the book or on the envelope front, IT HAS NOT BEEN REVERSED. If you don't reverse your pattern when tracing onto fusible web your "creation" will not be the same. Some patterns will tell you if it has been reversed, others don't.
Make sure you also trace all the markings, like the eyes, nose, mouth etc., and any other lines that will matter to the final outcome.
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Take a good look at the pattern. Are there numbers or letters on it? I'm talking 1,2,3 or a,b,c. These numbers are important so make sure you copy them too. If you are doing multiple tracings like hearts and you need 32, number them as you go along. You won't have to stop and count, stop and count, and then you won't trace too many of them.
The numbers or letters on the pattern are your layout. You start with number 1 or the letter "a" and build from there.
I usually use a blanket stitch around my fusible. I have occasionally used a straight line especially if it is a small place like a nose or eye. Blanket stitching takes over in these areas IMHO. I have stitched with black thread,
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I have stitched with co-ordinating thread and in the case of my April BOM I used a bluey-grey. I wanted to define the different areas of the rabbit. On the pink I used a co-ordinating thread.
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There were different colours to choose from for this fabric, but I think (I don't know) that as the bunny's feet pads and her nose are pink the thread should be pink. Its all up to you and what you want for the final look. It is your creation so you get to call the shots.
Now for the stitching around the different areas. I start the stitching the same way I start laying the pattern down. I do all the numbers ones first. I leave long tails and I'll pull them to the back for securing when its all done. For the rabbit I used a 5 length and 3.5 width. That is up to you too and its up to how large the piece is. You don't want the stitch to overtake the design.
I have done the stitching before the sandwiching and I have done it after. If you want it as part of your quilting, then leave it to do after.
I know someone is going to ask so I'll just tell you. I use Steam A Seam light for all my fusing. I have tried other brands and we didn't get along. It is personal preference. Try a few and find out what works best for you. I buy a huge box from my favourite quilting store and I have it in the house whenever I need it. For me, those small packages of 5/6 sheets is just not worth it. I like yardage.
Here are two more samples of the blanket stitch and the threads.
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I have done up a PDF for you so you can download and put in away know the place you put things and never forget where you put it. I keep a binder for tips I find or tips I think up. It is quicker for me when I need to reference something.