Believe it or not, there is a blog award. I didn't know anything about. I just blog because I love to talk and this way I'm not driving poor Karl insane with my constant yattering. The award is called the Liebster Blog Award. Once someone is nominated they pass the award on to three or more bloggers with followers of less than 300. I qualify there!
Angie was tagged by Wayne Kollinger, who in turn tagged three more people and I was one of them. The other two are Sheryl Till and Nikki McGonigal who both have great blogs. I went and checked them out. I'll be checking them out again and again.
I must tell you that I have never met Angie. I found her through a friend that is a member of her website. I downloaded some free patterns and then I joined. When Angie started her blog, I started to follow it. I love her designs and have made a few and if there were more hours in the day and I didn't have to sleep, I would make more. I posted a reply one day and from there -- well, the rest is history. We just seem to enjoy what each other is doing. We like the same things. Angie lives in Ecuador and I would love to visit her city..................she posts photos often and it looks delightful and as all of you know I live in Ontario. A few thousand miles separate us, but the web has brought us together.
I cannot tell you how honoured I was to receive this award. I do this blog because I love to do it, but to be given an award for doing it.........................well, its like getting an Emmy or a Grammy or the best of all The People's Choice award.
Thank you so much Angie. I truly, truly appreciate it. You could have picked so many, but you chose me and it sure brought a ray of sunshine into my life.
Oh, would you like to see my award? Here it is. I love it.