One little item caught my eye. It was a tip from Patti Phillips.
It is a really good one.
I need to do this.
Here’s the tip:
When I am machine quilting, my feet tend to get cold. I warm up a "microwave heating bag", you know the ones filled with oats or flax and keep that at my feet so I can keep my toes toasty warm. It also helps if my feet get tired. I can massage the bag with my toes for a little exercise.
I don't wear a shoe on my right foot when I machine quilt so this was the best tip I've heard in a long time. I took out two pieces of fabric, sewed them together, grabbed the bag of rice, filled the bag, but definitely not full. I popped it into the "nuker" and downstairs I headed. Works like a charm.
Now to make a bigger one for the bed. I like warm feet while I read myself to sleep at night.
Thanks for the tip in the newsletter Patti and for giving me permission to publish it here.
Here is how I made mine...........................
I used flannel because that just makes me feel warm as soon as I see it. One piece of flannel about 7" x 14". Fold in half and then sew the three sides.
There are a variety of things you can fill them with, I chose rice because I had a lot of that. Beans work too, as well as oats. I put a funnel in the bag, and just poured the rice in. Easy peasy. Now to have warm feet while I work away.
A word of advice be careful when removing your bag from the microwave and applying to body. Shake bag first, feel around and make sure it’s not too hot and won’t burn, especially when using on a child.
well, I see my signature has disappeared.