I walked down the yarn aisle ~~ I shouldn't have. Patons have a yarn that is just so darn teen-ager! It is called Melody and I thought my young girls would love it.................for a scarf. I didn't have time to search for a pattern, so when I came home I googled Patons and found a free one. You know I love free.
I finished Taylor's and I found a mistake and of course, it was right at the beginning. I pulled it out and restarted it Sunday night. I'm not impressed with myself at this point. I do like this one better though. I think she will too.
Taylor's is done, done, done and in the "box". We have two huge boxes I drop Christmas gifts into as I make them during the year. Here it is..........................
I hope to get Morgan's done too and I'm certainly on my way with it. I sat off and on yesterday knitting and knitting and knitting until I ran out of yarn. I'm off to Michaels (with blinders on) to pick up one more ball of yarn and will finish it up one evening. Morgan comes today and goes home tomorrow so that leaves that 24 hours with no knitting done, but, the baking will be finished!