I went onto BING, the search engine and found this map. If things work out right you should be able to move it around and see all the Town. You can zoooooooooooom in and zooooooooooooooom out to your heart's content. If you look for Morden Park, that is the area I live in. The land was once owned by the Morden family and was a big apple orchard amongst other things.
We have beautiful soil on our property which is about 1/4 acre. Not bad for city living is it?
This is part of the backyard. Karl is checking out the bird bath for the frequent thirsty visitors that drop in. We (as in Karl) has made this a quiet little sanctuary for us. We can sit back here and most times no one even knows we are home. Its great for hand sewing or reading that good book that you just can't put down.
As you can see, Karl is always puttering in his garden. He thought with his hip replacement surgery he wouldn't be able to have one this year, but he has tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchinis, peppers and onions in. No carrots this year..................but we do have a few potato plants.
Til tomorrow.......................