I had 5 blocks done when Barb said "You know we have to have the backing put together first." I think I looked at her with a rather stunned expression on my face. Darn!
Saturday, I decided to get the whole top put together. I didn't quite accomplish it, but boy I came close
As you can see I didn't quite do the pattern. I didn't do different backgrounds. Mine are all the same.
(I'm using up fabric.) I chose not to go to all the work of making the sashing like the original pattern. It was going to be a lot of small pieces put together and I just didn't want to do it. I had to re-think the cutting and only made one mistake that day! It wasn't actually my fault. Well, I guess that's not quite true either. I didn't read the directions properly. I missed one page and that nearly did me in. I'm improving bit by bit.
My fabrics are quite bright as you can see. I bought them awhile ago from Connecting Threads. I really liked what I saw on their website and in their catalogue. I wasn't disappointed when they arrived.
TIP: Always measure to before cutting your borders. Although the pattern may give the lengths it is always best to measure and then cut. Your 1/4" may be slightly off from what the pattern designer did.
I measure down through the middle or across the middle depending on what border it is.
Don't hack off your borders. That's when you will have problems squaring up your quilt when you are finished.
Sunday morning..............
Its done! All the borders are on. I wasn't too sure about that last border, but its growing on me.
I know how I'm going to quilt it. The quilting will also sew down each individual snowman, pail, tree, etc., and then I'm doing "arrows" in the sashings and borders. Tomorrow I hope to post the way I do the "arrows".
It gives me a break from cross-hatching and diamond patterns.
By the way, I have no idea what you call this design. I call it arrows for lack of something to call it.
I didn't reverse the pattern!
My "arrows" will be on tomorrow. Maybe then someone can give me the proper design name for them. Perhaps it is an original. Ah-ha, then I can call it what I want, can't I?