Well, we did it! We went to the car dealership last week and picked up our new baby. It is blue with a beautiful interior.
We have running boards, which you can't see in the photo and so many headlights, there is no way they can't see me coming. This by the way, is Karl's door! I get in on the other side.
This is my control panel. It will be like flying a 737! I sure hope I remember everything Susan told us.
I am not calling this a truck! We already have a truck in the drive and this is my "car". I know other people do call them trucks, but that is just a bit too confusing for us.
I was a bit surprised when Karl told me tonight that we paid more for this car, than we paid for the house we have lived in for 36 and 3/4 years. Boggles the mind!
Yes, I have a quilt that I intend to put in. I have a favourite that will be left over the back seat for when Karl blasts the air and my legs get cold. That's when I'm a passenger of course.
I wrote this last week just after we got our new car. Yesterday I was looking out the computer room window and saw a bird admiring himself (note the him), in Karl's mirror on his pick-up. Karl put a milk bag over the mirror and we thought -- stupidly thought -- that the bird would give up. Didn't happen.
In the afternoon I walked by the end of the drive and there he was back again. This time on my new car!!!! I shooed him away and washed away his calling card.
Later the little beggar was back again. This time on the grill. I made sure I got some photos and then sent him on his way. Of course, he left a deposit on the license plate for us. How dare he!!! On my new car.