Karl had to see his surgeon at 2:00 so after I dropped him off (we knew his visit would take at least 1 1/2 hours) I came back home and started my block. I intended to do at least 2 of them, but started with the most time consuming one. Boy was it time consuming!
These are the fabrics I chose for all the blocks. They suggested that we use a "busy" fabric for the background and the "busiest" I had was the white with red dots on it. Its working out fine.
This is the block I had to do. Royal Star Block. Looks simple right. Not when I do them! If there is a mistake to be made I'll do it.
I sewed each individual section and then thinking it looked perfect, I sewed the rows together..................one row -- the middle one -- is wrong!!!!!!!!! I could have kicked myself around the block.
Reverse stitch! Re-do.
When the top is done and it will be after the May meeting it will look like this
I have 6 blocks done and there are nine in all.
I have a place to send it to and I know it will be very much appreciated.
I didn't tell you that I had trouble printing off the patterns too. I forgot to sent my printer properly and that gave me angst. I should have known from there I was going to be in trouble.
This picture is for those of you that think we only have fantastic weather. This is during the height of the storm that rolled through last night. Rain, wind, dark clouds, but look at my neighbour's tree. Isn't it beautiful?