We have new tulips also, but they are the later variety and they are fragrant. We saw them in Ottawa last year and wanted them because they are different. We ordered all our bulbs last year from Vesey's in Prince Edward Island.
I am still working away on son's and daughter-in-law's quilt. I am getting there slowly, but in between sewing the rows together, I have housework and gardening and the later I'm not very good at and need supervision and the supervisor is on crutches. Yesterday we got the onions planted. I hope they grow!
TIP #1
This crease was the fold of the fabric where I pressed it after "washing" my fabric. (I don't actual wash the fabric.................I soak it in water and spin out the excess in the machine and then dry. Washing with soap removes the sizing and I want it left in.) The crease will not iron out with my regular steam iron.
I give it a spritz of water then a spray of starch, then press and voila! It is gone.
TIP #2
As you sew your rows together and come across any threads clip them as you sew. It is much faster to remove them as you sew than to do all of them when its time to sandwich your quilt.
TIP #3
Which way do you press your seams?
Sometimes I press the entire row in one direction and the next row in the opposite direction. Sometimes I don't!
I looked at these rows and the fabric naturally fell to one side. I decided that I would let the blocks dictate which way to press those seams. My blocks from each row would still "butt" and this way they would lie nice and flat.
I now have all the rows sewn together and on Thursday I hope to start putting on my borders.