Wednesday, April 7, 2010

This is southern Ontario!!!!!

My goodness, who would have believed I could walk around the yard and take these photos on Easter Saturday.  My flowers are not always this obliging at this time of the year.  Things are way ahead of schedule. 
These are our daffodils at the front of the house.  There are more to come out within the next day or two.

My scilla blooms every year at Easter. It has never disappointed me yet.  It is a carpet of purple under our beautiful big white ash trees.

These are my purple crocuses and white stardrift.  If I had know about those stardrift, don't know as I would have bought those bulbs..................drift they do!  A lovely showing now they have spread, and spread and spread......................

Look at this.............this is one of the weigela's and the sedum are coming too.  Unbelievable!

This is the tulip bed in the backyard!  We surrounded it with daffodils as the squirrels don't like them.  Now those little beggars leave my tulips alone.  Give this another week or two and it will put on quite a show.  We won't get to the Tulip Festival in Ottawa this year, but apparently that is okay, we can have our own!

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