I borrowed some books from a friend before she went away on holiday. One of those books is called "simple STAINED GLASS quilts". It was written by Daphne Greig and Susan Purney Mark who both live in Victoria, British Columbia.
A beautiful book that is available at both Barnes and Noble and Chapters and believe it or not it is cheaper at Chapters in Canada. That's why you got that link!
The technique used in this book is e-a-s-y! My kind of quilting. Chapter one is devoted to the tools you will need, the materials, fusible web (she uses the same kind I do), tracing tools, ironing tools, cutting tools and she uses more than one kind, thread, sewing machine needles, quilting markers -- you name it -- it is here.
They talk about fabric choices and leading fabrics and then they get into projects! Beautiful, wonderful projects. They are a feast for the eyes.
The cover of the book is actually featured as a Mosaic Tile Project. I don't have the "right" fabrics for it, so that is a no go right now. I have to quit spending money. The stores are going to have to start to rely on someone else.
The book starts off with a project that I'm sure you have all seen. From my Window......a scenic piece of fabric covered with black "arching" fabric to frame it all. Many of the girls did it. I can't -- don't have the right fabric. Quite honestly I wouldn't make it. Too many others did.
One I really do like is called West Coast Landscape. I think this one would be very do-able just by joining fabrics starting with the sky, then the trees, the ferns and the water. I already have fabric for the rocks in the water. It is beautiful. Yes, I think I will someday!
Then of course there is also this one.......this is done so differently. I like the concept and it is a possibility over the next few weeks. I could almost guarantee that this fabrics are in my stash. And what a neat idea for doing it. Love it!
This is the final one. THIS I will be doing! Definitely. THIS just says gift for husband all over it. The gardener who grows beautiful vegetables and beautiful flowers. Just look at his tomatoes from last summer. Gorgeous and so tasty on that bar-be-qued burger.
There is always the poppy too.
I have a few months to get it done, but I think I'd like to have it ready by the time he gets home from hospital as a surprise. I won't be sleeping much then so may as well sew it together.
Thanks for the loan of the book, Diane. Muchly appreciated.