I wanted something easy for the first lesson. I phoned and asked if she would like to make a purse......"that would be cool" was the reply. I asked what colours and she said red.............oh, don't have many reds I replied..............I like purple............okay. I looked to see what I had and decided that whatever the colour it was do-able.
Grandpa and I drove over and picked her up. We stopped at the fabric store and bought some cording for a strap................red and bright green were her choices. There were beads in a rack that caught her eye too, so we grabbed a tube of them. Then home we came.
Then it was time to sew! She sat down at "Morgan's machine" and off she went. The hardest part was choosing which fancy stitch.
As soon as one row was completed, another fabric was chosen. It didn't have to match, it didn't have to blend. This young lady could give lessons in scrappy quilts. Nothing mattered except which stitch she was using.
She asked how to hold the fabric so it didn't move around. I showed her and she was off. I finally remembered to take a photo when she was more than half way through.
We started about 11:00 in the morning, stopped to eat a great lunch of grilled cheese and bacon sandwiches with lots of glasses of milk and arrowroot cookies for dessert.
Grandma did the side seam and made sure the purse string was secure. The rest was all done by Morgan.
It is one pretty classy purse. It had a few things in it to take home.........a little notebook and I believe there may have been a stuffed animal or two!
Morgan is coming back in a few weeks to make either a pillowcase or a blanket. She hasn't decided which yet.
Fantastic work, Morgan. Grandma is really proud of what you did.