The first book is called Handprint Quilts.
Available at Barnes and Noble if you want to pay the price. A newer book is on the market now...........Calendar Kids : Handprint Quilts Through the Year, by the same author, Marcia Layton
The ISBN is: 1-56477-458-9
My grands loved doing this one. They got paint all over their hands and then schmooshed them onto fabric. They loved it and wanted to do more. When you skim the pages of the book, you will be amazed at what your hand shape can become............a flower, a bumble bee, a butterfly, or perhaps a fish.......
Each child was allowed to pick what they wanted to be. One chose the bumble bee, one is a buttefly and then the flowers grew at the bottom of the wallhanging. This particular one was given to Mom for Mother's Day in 2003
The five grandchildren all did one for their great grandma. They made their hands in the shape of a heart for that one. Anything is possible!
The next book is called Colorful Quilts for Kids by Christiane Meunier. Thse ISBN is: 1-885588-29-1. When I checked this one out, I was surprised to see there are two books by the same name out there, but by different authors. I found copies of this one at Barnes and Noble. You have to scroll down the page to find the one I'm writing about.
Although the patterns in this book are meant for kids, kids of all ages would enjoy them. There is rail fence, four patch, snail's trail, but my favourite for the boys in our family was

Last book...............a Child's Garden of Quilts, by Christal Carter and I finally found where its available -- Amazon! The ISBN is: 1-56477-077-X
I bought this book with great intentions. I was going to make several quilts and well, they never got done. There is Mother Goose (whom I do love)

and there is a wonderful quilt for a boy

and then there is this one..............

I'm off today to visit my husband who underwent surgery Wednesday for hip replacement number 4. He is doing very well and he is hoping to be home on the week-end. I hope to get all the blogs done, but if I miss Saturday I know you will understand.