I discovered something that made things bit easier.

Down and around the entire body to again, where the body meets the head. Go up the side of the head to the ear. Stitch around the ear until you get to the head again.
NOW, with a straight stitch, sew down along the side of the head and when you get to the bottom of the ear, stop and turn the deer. Now start the blanket stitch again. 

Continue with the blanket stitch until you reach where the head meets the body on the left hand side. You can re-enforce the stitching here if you so desire.
This saved me time doing it this way. I didn't have to stop and re-start. I just kept on going.....like a Timex watch.
For a short period of time both rows one and two are still being offered. Its not too late to download them here.
Please remember these patterns are copyright. They are for your use only or as Sindy says so well on her home page:
© Copyright, All rights reserved, 2000-2010. Sindy Rodenmayer, Garland, TX. USA.
Hello friend! You are welcome to make quilts from these patterns for yourself, family, friends, fundraisers and raffles, and most of all, charities! You may even make quilts or gifts from these patterns to sell for a profit (No mass production though).What I ask you NOT to do please; no photocopying, no reproducing to package and market the patterns with the intent to sell them. Just because they are free here for your use, doesn't make it legal to use them in that way. When in doubt, email me and ask. Be friendly and keep the creative spirit of quilting alive and give credit where credit is due.