Its getting time to be thinking of summer! I know its only February, but summer hangs on my kitchen walls all year long. I like perennial flowers cause once they are planted you are done. We have a bed beside the driveway and here you will find Black-eyed Susans, Daisies and Cone Flowers. Black-eyed Susans used to grow wild along the roads in Quebec when I was a child, along with chickory and wild daisies.
Daisies I just like! No reason, course there is the old saying....."he loves me, he loves me not".......most times he loves me!
Cone flowers I first saw growing in the ditches along a New Jersey turnpike along with Cosmos. We were quick to get those in our garden.
I found the patterns I wanted to use from patterns I already had. I had done them before in two McKenna Ryan wall hangings that I have.
The daisies are featured in her Storybook Farm piece. I did that one in honour of my MIL and FIL a few years ago. It represents their old farm in Denmark so well.
You can't make too many mistakes when you do daisies. Pick a white fabric and go for it. Before I cut the fabric though, I fuse fusible interfacing to the back of it. Then I fuse the web. That way you won't be able to see the background fabric through the white fabric. You usually have to stitch down the pieces as they tend to separate a bit.
I have done one other wallhanging from McKenna Ryan. I'm going to save that until another day and I'll feature both of them. I don't think I will be doing too much more of her work. There is a lot of tracing and many, many little pieces.