This is one of the first landscapes I ever did. Charleen and I went up to The Hobby Horse for 3 classes because I am a firm believer in that "you can never take enough classes." (That's another topic for another day.) We bought kits for these classes and I'm not a big fan of kits. Too many times I've been "short changed" on the fabric and that just annoys me something fierce. Then you always get something that makes you wonder why someone even manufactured that specific one. I think they put them in kits to get them off the store shelves! Okay, back to the topic here.
I bought extra stabilizer at the store we were in and came home and started looking through my "landscape" book. I wanted something simple, easy, trouble-free, and quite effortless! I chose this one from Simple Thread Painting by Nancy Prince. Well, hey what did I looked easy.
on the internet and thought I would share it with those that have never seen this phenomenon. It is really something to see and there is a legend about it!
This landscape is my imagination. I don't think this place exists except in my mind. It is springtime in the country. All the trees are in bloom and the flowers in the fields are bursting forth with their beauty and their fragrance. Its just too bad we can't sew the aroma. I made this as a sample for a workshop our Guild held in September 2009.
I hope she can feel the "cool".
Sometime next week, I'll post how to do landscapes. I will have to post other instructions the first of the week for those that cannot attend an upcoming workshop. It should be about Wednesday if all my luck holds.
Sorry this is late being posted. I forgot to hit "publish post". Have a good week-end.