Thread Painting.
What is it? To quote from the book --"Think of the sewing machine needle as a pencil or paintbush. That is the simple start of thread paiting -- guiding the thread the way a talented artist guides a paintbrush to literally "paint" with thread."
What do you need for your "canvas".....not much more than what you have in your sewing room. Its all listed in the book.
Is your digital camera a toy or a wonderful tool?
Thread....................cotton, metallics, polyesters, rayon. They are all described within the pages of the book and how to use them.
Can you thread paint with multiple threads? Ah-ha! That you will have to find out.
To "hoop" or not to "hoop" stabilize or add batting or not.............its all here.
Construction, contouring, blending, shading, finishing, blocking. You need to know. Its here.

I purchased the book at The Hobby Horse in Georgetown a few years ago, but they still carry it. It is published by Krause Publications. If you enjoy doing free motion quilting and want to take the next step, this book would make a valuable addition to your library.
Okay, I have to stop. I have a bit of thread painting to do. If it turns out the way I hope I'll show it to you maybe sometime next week.