Thursday, June 8, 2017

The most inexpensive way

to buy thread is by the cone.  I have almost used up all my spools of thread that I have purchased over the years and I'm not going back to them.
As you know my preference for thread is Superior.  I use So Fine in my sewing machine, King Tut and OMNI in my long arm.
The only thing I have/had problems with was storing the bobbin and the cones.  Not it is solved!
I went to Canadian Tire and bought
 One golf tee per cone of thread, per bobbin(s), one net to fit over the cone
 Slide the golf tee through the opening in the bobbin
 Put the tee in the top of the cone
 Slide the net over and everything is neat and compact
Due to the fact, I have a cat that loves thread, these then go into a plastic tote.  Everything is together, I know how many bobbins I have on hand.
Best tip I ever found!
and yes, I bought the long tees.  They come in two sizes so I got the 3 1/4".

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