Tuesday, March 1, 2016

I told you about our daughter's gift

so let me now tell you about the gift my son gave me.
Before you begin.........let me explain........this post was written about the same time as the one about our daughter.  It was lost in the shuffle somehow.

I love to read and read just about anything.  I love a good romance novel the best and I love them without the cuss words and the sex. My latest acquisition has been a wonderful find......but I digress!
I think every year for the last 5, Peter and his wife have given me a gift card for Chapters, Canada's book store.  I can shop online or just go up to our little plaza and browse for hours.
This year was no exception -- well yes there was -- because I was told I could buy books for the kiddies over at Ronald McDonald House.
So I did.
I went online and checked the kid's books and read the reviews.  It's been many a year since I bought books for little children.  I knew I wanted some that reflected Canada and I found two
and when I asked the gals at stitch and chat, Margery said I had to buy
the book about the porcupine.  I can highly recommend these three books.  
We are going over around Valentine's Day, so I bought this one
Here Comes Valentines Day Cat
It is very cute and teaches a little lesson too
  We weren't all made the same so I asked at the store for some recommendations.  These two books were handed to me and they are now in the stack. This is the inside of the Going Places book.  

I have a nice little pile of books now and truth be told
I've plans on reading all of them
but Charlotte's Web.
I've read that.
The next time I may throw in some Anne of Green Gables books 
and maybe a French book too......
cause you just never know!

You want something Mom????

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