Tuesday, April 7, 2015

My curatorial assistant friend

Susan, strongly urges people to document their quilts.  I did that for a long, long time and then decided I had to come up with a different way to do things.
I found a beautiful book one time at Chapters~~on sale after Christmas.  If I had seen it sooner, I would have bought it and gifted it to someone, anyone!
 I take a picture of some of my quilts.....I can't afford to do all of them.....and then do a little write up.
 Sometimes I sneak into people's homes while they are away and snap the photo of the quilt on the bed.
 Other times, I go outside in the lovely weather and throw the quilts around.......

 This one I love~~now!  Sure didn't like the fabric when I bought it.  I have to do this backing again ~~ and soon.
 An idea I came up with at Christmas.  We are ready for the big day.
It is simple, it is efficient and it gives you a way to look back at what you have done.  Little notes give you ideas you may have forgotten about..........like the corners on this border.
As this is a book ~~ of sorts ~~ I decided to mention a book I just finished reading.
I found it on the 80% off shelf at my favourite book store.
Lighthouse Bay by Kimberley Freeman
It is probably considered a "chick" book.  I read it in 3 days which means I thoroughly enjoyed it.  I rarely read a book during the day but this was one book I couldn't put down.

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