Tuesday, June 24, 2014

I've been busy too

It's not only Cody in the sewing room getting things done.  I've been working away too.
Seeing as the girls are joining us on the Island for a week, I decided to get rid of a piece of fabric that has been around for awhile.  Morgan mentioned her dog pillowcase, so I grabbed this off the pile and made it up.
I bought this in a little quilt shop up in Shakespeare a few years ago.  I gave it away to a friend -- I didn't really, she stole it -- but it came home again when her cat passed away.
Now it has a new home.  It will be loved!

I purchased the yellow for the band at Sewing Machines, etc. and I only bought enough for what I was doing.  I wasn't feeling well that day!
I really wasn't.  It took me three tries to start this case.  After attempt #2, I looked up the directions
on the internet.  Nearly 200 cases made and she just could not do it!!!  Says a lot about me, doesn't it.

Project #2 was a new pair of oven mitts.  Both pairs in the trailer had seen better days and I was going to buy some new ones when I saw this tutorial on Facebook.
I had everything I needed to make them including the perfect fabric that I had purchased a couple of years back when we were in Prince Edward Island.
They took me two days.  One mitt one day and the other mitt the next day.  We had a busy week and that was all the time I could spare to get them made.

 If you take a look at the tutorial you will notice I added a loop and a ring to mine.  They hang up in the kitchen so I needed something on the mitts that would do the job.  I'll secure that ring when I sew down the binding.  I also used "silver" on the back of the mitts.  Yes, that was in stock too.
When Cody was making his snap happy pouch, I really had problems with the directions.  I guess I was having a "not so smart" day, but do you think I could find out how to make that casing.
We struggled through and did get it done, but on Friday I decided to make up a sample and put it in the envelope with my directions on how to do it.
I may do this again in the future for those things I don't make often.  
There is a lot of talking going on in the sewing room and on Wednesday last, Cody said wouldn't it be cool if there was fabric with circuit boards on it.  hehehehehehe, I found one and showed it to him.  Then he said something about a fabric with computer ports.......found that too.  We decided to order it from a company called fabric.com.  I ordered it Wednesday night and on Friday, UPS stopped in front of the house with a parcel for me.  It was the fabric.  Cody and I are both so impressed we just might be using them again.

The last fabrics were purchased from Sewing Machines, etc.  I have no idea what he plans for all this fabric.  I think a pillowcase and we could get two out of the green and black and I believe console covers out of the robots.
I hope we have a lot of time to get all this done.  We'll see what happens by the end of today.

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