Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Cut it off, throw it away

Do you do that with your selvedges?  Every piece of fabric has them....and they tell a story.  Let's take it one bit at a time.
Some selvedges give you a lot of information ~~ others as little as the name of the company.  This particular one is from South Sea Imports......Debbie Mumm designs for them, along with 14 others
Check out the link and take a gander around their website.
All these colourful little dots represent each and every colour in the fabric.  
You can see it better in this pillowcase.
The sage green dot in the selvedge matches the accent strip.  You can take a selvedge with you and match up other fabrics just with a selvedge in hand.
Fabric just doesn't get printed off for us, someone takes the time to design it.
Dan Morris was the creator behind this line.  The same fabric line may come out in different colourways and there is usually more than one fabric offered in a line.
I snapped this shot to show you all the companies I've been supporting lately.  I had never heard of ADORNit before.  I checked out their website just to see what other lines they have designed.
Stof is from Denmark and all those selvedges I have ~~ well they have a free pattern to use them up.
It's okay, I've given the English pages.
Different companies give different names for their "freebies".  
Stof uses the word "creative"
RJR Fabrics says "free patterns" on their banner
Moda is "patterns".  Don't forget they are the leader in precuts.
Northcott is a bit more difficult to find giveaways on their site.  You have to click on "resources" ~~ however, I found their downloadable patterns and the link is their name.
Red Rooster fabrics are some of my favourites.  I love the designs, the feel of the fabric.  Not silky like Northcott, but they feel "rich".  I've never been disappointed when I've bought a cut of their fabric home.  If you are checking it out yourself, they have a pattern gallery!  
Just a few of the many, many companies providing us with 100% cotton fabrics.  

My Stack and Whack quilt is on the bed
I tried to convince her boyfriend he should make her some pillowcases, but that fell on deaf ears, so I guess it will be up to me.

Sorry, this is late today.  I've had trouble getting onto the page where I post it from.  I know it's Blogger, because everything else is running smoothly.

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