Thursday, March 7, 2013

Remember this

left overs from various projects?


Well, it’s back home now.  Robin worked her magic on another one IMG_5629

and all I had to do was the binding.  I decided on that blue/grey/cream the same as the outer border, then I stepped back and took a long, long look at the top.  IMG_5615  I’ll let you look and judge.

  IMG_5616 IMG_5617

The centre of this quilt is very strong with those almost black blocks.  I thought with the binding the same as the border the centre still took over and the border looked way too large.  I opted for the darker binding.  It is one of the fabrics in the top.  It pulls you eye over to the side and now the quilt flows a bit better.

I had the first binding already cut ready to sew together.  Now it’s in the batik box waiting for another quilt on another day.

Sometimes you not only have to audition your borders, but you have to audition your bindings too.

IMG_5635Okay, let’s try a photo taken outside on the snow so that binding really shows……………Bear was fine.  She had her sweater on.  

and the back………


So you don’t have to figure out how to make one like this, I’ve made you a PDF to download.

I’ve already told you all about the big pillowcase delivery tomorrow.  Well here they are ~~ all packed up and ready for the drive to Hamilton.


Margery isn’t able to go with us, so she handed them over to Karen and I.  All of her cases are in the shopping bag.

I’m really happy to tell all of you that between us there are over 50 cases for Ronald McDonald House and yes, we are patting ourselves on the back and we feel gooooooooood!!  We knew that we would…..okay no more singing from me.

  Okay and now back to tomorrow.  Some of you will have caught it and others wouldn't have.  I just saw it last night.  Lord love a duck I posted an old photo of Glen Howard's curling team.  I do apologize to Wayne Middaugh the newest guy on the block.

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