Wednesday, March 20, 2013

It’s here, it’s here

Spring is here.  Thank you to the powers that be.
I like winter, I really do, but after having snow and IMG_5447 cold and ice and cold I’m ready to get going outside with walks in the sunshine and warm weather. IMG_5835 I’m ready for no boots and heavy coats.  I’m really ready for the seats in the car to be warm when I sit down!
I know we didn’t get a lot of snow, not like some parts of my country that got inundated day after day after day with that white stuff.  Now we can get out there, do day trips without wondering if we will get into a snowstorm on the way home, have a lunch in some far flung town, just enjoy!
The signs are all around us now.  I found this when I went out to the car one day……..IMG_5750
all the makings for a wee nest.  The flowers are starting to pop up


and animals are wandering around
the snow is melting and only patches are left which means that someone will be thinking of the garden soon.  I’m amazed his little indoor greenhouse hasn’t been started yet. 

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