Thursday, January 31, 2013

I went to stitch and

chew the fat day yesterday.  We all took along our current projects of choice.
I worked away on the binding for my bed runner…..and I finished it!!!!  IMG_5375  I’m really pleased with how this turned out.  It does look good on the bed, but for now its tucked away until this coming December.
The other girls brought in their handwork and while we chatted and drank tea, ate goodies we actually did some work. 
IMG_5373 Margery brought in her embroidery work.  This is from a pattern by Crabapple Hill Studio.  These patterns are gorgeous and I should get back into the one I have waiting for me.  Ah well summer is coming and I can do it then.
Margery has also been cutting fabric and made bands for pillowcases.  We both said we could get some made for Ronald IMG_5371 McDonald house so we searched the store for bodies.  This is what we took home…….Margery’s is on the left, mine on the right.
Kathy worked away on her embroidery. IMG_5372 This will be quilt for her Mom when she is done.   
Karen is getting ready to teach again.  This is a sample of how to Stack and Whack.  It wasn’t suppose to be a class, but we are trying to IMG_5374 talk her into it.    I don’t know whether we will succeed or not.  The class she is teaching is not this style of Stack and Whack.  I have my fabric already.  Its a line by Mark Lupinski I’ve loved for awhile.IMG_5376I found out today the class is May 25th.  I’m ready for it!!

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