Monday, April 16, 2012

I'm on a downer

I'm going on two weeks with a cough that persists day and night.  I've also had problems with the deteriorating disc in my back.  Due to a complete lack of enthusiasm for just about everything, I'm going to post links for the next couple of days and leave you to read them instead of my blethering, because belief it or not, I don't even have the ambition to do that.  I hope to be back up to snuff by Wednesday and then I'll tell you all about the new quilt I've been trying to work on.

The book review last Friday was all about applique. (Want to see more, click here.)

I was reading the Martingale Publishing blog, Stitch This, and came upon this.

It was written by the author of the book and there is some wonderful information.  Make sure you read the whooooooooooooooooole thing. 

Til tomorrow.......

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