Thursday, April 14, 2011


Our guild is having a tombola draw at the quilt show next year.  I knew what I wanted to donate, so I started it last week and finished up on Sunday.  What a pain in the neck parts of this were.

I have the originalthe original on my living-room wall as a memento of a trip to Prince Edward Island.  I thought why not reduce by 50%.  Should be easy.  Ya, right!  You don't remember those little pieces all of a sudden are smaller ~~ sometimes much, much smaller. 

I have the centre done.  Now its time for the borders.  I don't know what I'm going to do, so its going away.  I'm taking it to PEI with me and get the border fabric and then buy a label specifically made for the Anne wall hangings.  I hope the person that really, really wants it will get it. 

the smaller version

I'll post the finished wall hanging.  I have free motion quilting to do on it.  It will look good when its done.

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