Monday, September 24, 2012

I was working away without a

care in the world and I did it.  Not thinking, just getting the quilt done and this happened.

IMG_4016 My iron picked up the graphite from my pencil and I didn’t notice until this…….IMG_4015 pencil markings on the fabric.

It won’t come off so I cleaned my iron.  I don’t use anything fancy, just a plain brown paper bag.

I leave the iron plugged in and run it over and over on the bag checking once in awhile to see how clean it is getting.  IMG_4017 I’ve been known to do this if there are stubborn spots.  IMG_4018 When its all cleanIMG_4020

the plate will look spotless and the brown bag………..


well, not so much. 

Always keep a pressing cloth at hand when using fusible web and make sure you lay it over the piece you are pressing.  It will save you a lot of angst.  No, it wasn’t something I did that day.  I hope I’ve learned my lesson.

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