Tuesday, March 6, 2012

It takes awhile

to design anything.  I've been working on my calendar quilt ~~ which by the way now has a name ~~ since December.  I've had some problems, but for the most part the ideas did flow.

I told you I wanted it to be international in nature.  I didn't want it to focus on holidays like Easter, Christmas, etc.  I didn't want it to be a celebration of things in my country like our national flag day or Canada Day.  Just because we go nuts on July 1st, doesn't mean the rest of the world does.  Although I hear the Canadians really have a party in London, England.

I did have problems with two months to start with.  I got one of them solved but August................good old August was a pain.  I can't -- make that won't -- tell you what July is but it is food related.  So is September so I really didn't want food for August......................like a big slice of watermelon.  Juicy, sweet and delicious and perfect for a hot summer day
I kept that one in mind while I thought about some more things that to me mean summer.  I have to think that way and then I eliminate......................the dog days of summer came next.  Hot, humid, hazy days when even the dogs just want to find a spot under the shadiest tree in the yard, with a bowl of cool water nearby and perhaps an ice cube floating in it.
These aren't the drawings I selected for August.  I thought of something else that at least for me and my family will be full of memories.  When the time comes 'round, I hope you like what was my final decision.

I draw everything free hand.  I can't do it on EQ like some pattern designers do.  My mouse and I aren't that compatible.  I love drawing but I have to be in the mood.  That's it..............all 12 months are now done.  I feel better about it because I was getting kind of worried about the last two.

The name I decided on

12 Months Equals 1 Year

I have to design a label now.  You will be able to print it off and use it on the back of your quilt.


I really want to put this behind me, but people have been asking.  Have you found out who did it?
Yes, I have.  No one told me, I figured it out all by myself.
That is it on the subject.  It is closed and closed for good.

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