Monday, October 4, 2010

A Little Road Trip

It's time to buy the mums for the front porch. 

I decorate with them for the Thanksgiving week-end, which is coming f-a-s-t.  We drove over to our favourite apple orchard as they have the biggest and the most inexpensive "mums" anywhere that I've been over the last few years.  The price never changes.

We bought our three and then we bought apples.  A new variety to us.  They are called Aurora Golden Gala and they are a cross.  They are delicious.  Juicy, sweet and I'm thinking apple something for desserts.  Pie, crisp, baked...............don't know yet.........just anything.

While we were in the little store paying I peeked out through the back door.  The colours on the trees have started to change....................this is going to be a spectacular year for colour in Ontario.  Parts of the province have probably already started to loose their leaves, but this coming week-end is our turn and I can't wait.

The orchard also has pumpkins for sale and some of these were large.  I didn't take a photo of the largest ones -- really don't know whether they would have fit.  A reminder that Hallowe'en is coming soon too

Karl moved the car up so it was easier to load the mums and when I turned around I was pleasantly surprised.  Don't I wish I would have afforded all of these to decorate with.

I have started the decorating.  I need some leaves to complete it.  We are off again this week, and I know this trip will involve a quilt shop.  I have to drop off a quilt top, but that's another story.

Yes, that's my fern on the left end of the bench.

Til tomorrow.....................

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